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`pickupmode - toggles automatic item pick up on/off
`pickupmode - toggles automatic item pick up on/off

`asktrade [accepted|refused] - turns the ability for other players to enter into a trade with you on (Exchange Window is displayed) and off (Exchange Window is never displayed)
`asktrade [accepted|refused] - turns the ability for other players to enter into a trade with you on (Exchange Window is displayed) and off (Exchange Window is never displayed)

Revision as of 06:41, 20 April 2008


`music [on|off] - turns music on/off

`sound [on|off] - turns game sounds on/off

`xy - displays X and Y coordinates on current map

`gudsh - displays the current map number and xy you are on, a more advanced version of the `xy commands

`movemode [on|off] - sets Move Mode on/off

`trade [Player ID] - opens the [Exchange Window]

`pickupmode - toggles automatic item pick up on/off

`asktrade [accepted|refused] - turns the ability for other players to enter into a trade with you on (Exchange Window is displayed) and off (Exchange Window is never displayed)

`recall [accepted|refused] - turns the ability for other players to Recall you on (Recall Window is displayed) and off (Recall Window is never displayed)

`hp - toggles the display of how many hitpoints your character has and percentage of damage received every time your character's life is updated

`gchat - toggles global chat display on/off (all chat is still recorded for review in the History Window)

`achat - toggles alliance chat display on/off (all chat is still recorded for review in the History Window)

`chatview [on|off] - toggles the scrolling chat displays on/off (all chat is still recorded for review in the History Window)
Note: You can further control which specific chat(s) you want to display by entering a 6-digit number instead of on/off. The first digit represents general chat, second represent system message, third represents shout chat, four represents whisper chat, fifth represents group chat, and sixth represents army chat. Put 1 for enabling or 0 for disabling. For example, "`chatview 111111" means all chats are displayed, "`chatview 101111" means no system message is displayed, "`chatview 110000" means only general chat and system message are displayed.

`shortkeymode [on|off] - allows use of the Quickbar without having to hold down the [Ctrl] key. Also prevents activation of the Chat Window by accidentally hitting another key. You must press [Enter] to activate the Chat Window when it is turned on.
on - [Q] for first skill or [1] for first item in the Quickbar and [Enter] to chat.
off - [Ctrl]+[Q] or [Ctrl]+[1] (Normal)