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Battle Dimension

The BattleDimension was created as a virtual arena on Earth, which will allow you to hone your own character skills or learn how other characters can and will fight (without fear of experience or item loss). You may also find allies to fight with once you return to the normal world. The ultimate goal is to improve your chances in the battle with Aguilas, however, you will be fighting other players and whoever is the best will receive a special item.

Entering The Battle Dimension

Gateways to the BattleDimension have been constructed at piers selected in Street2 and Downtown4.

Entry is only possible in a 10-minute window, after which you will have to wait 140 minutes before being able to try entry again; essentially combat within the Battle Dimension is split into 9 x 75-minute sessions per day.

You can choose to fight as any character type.

Your new character name will be your existing name prefixed by the first two characters of the server on which you were playing before entering the Battle Dimension. So, for example if your normal character name is "azlar99" your Battle Dimension character would be "RCazlar99". Your new character's hair and clothes will match that of your original character.

Entry further requires:

(a) You be a character of at least Level 1000


(b) You be an Army Commander or an Army Lieutenant (there is one Commander and five Lieutenants per Army) of any Army except a Free Agent Army. In other words, if the army does NOT have an Army Hall then the Commander and Lieutenant do NOT get Entry Passes


(c) You purchase a Entry Pass for 20,000,000 (this is done by selecting the appropriate option after having simply entered the Battle Dimension with the appropriate fee on your charcater's person)


(d) You have been mailed an Entry Pass on reaching Level 275, 325, 375, 425, 475, 525, 575, 625, 675, 725, 775, 825, 875, 925, 975.

You are among the first 150 players (on a first come, first serve basis)

Combat In the Battle Dimension

Once in the BattleDimension (your Entry Pass has been collected) combat takes place across replicas of what appear to be the Backyard, Street1, Downtown4, Sahara1 and the Himalayas. It is broken into 3 phases

Phase 1

Briefing (15 Minutes)

1. Enter the BattleDimension

2. You are provided with 20,000,000 in order to support your efforts

3. Find other characters to Group with (if you so choose)

4. Plan strategy

Phase 2

Monster Combat, PK Mode Off (30 minutes)

1. Accelerated Level up to gain bonus points, honor, weapons, armor, items, etc.

2. Strategic distribution of bonus points into attributes to make your character as powerful as possible

3. Strategic distribution of weapons, armor, items, etc. between group members (if applicable)

4. Mistakes made here will be telling in the next phase

5. If killed then character is re-spawned in the area death occurred

Phase 3

Character Combat, PK Mode ON (30 minutes)

1. If you are killed then you are ejected from the BattleDimension, and re-appear in your normal body (unharmed) outside where you first entered.

2. At the end of the session all remaining players will also find themselves back in their normal bodies, but at the entry located in Street2 (even if they entered in Downtown 4)

3. At the end of Phase 3 your successful kills (PK's) are tallied and a point score calculated.

4. After ranking is complete, the player with the most PK's will receive "Durability".